One of a map’s key features is that each of its elements means something, and these are usually clarified in a legend. What does a map based solely on this feature look like? Could it even be classified as a map at all? In this section I venture into uncharted territories to explore the possibilities of cartographic displays and their tools. I focus primarily on non-material things like conceptions, dreams, ideas, perceptions and so on.
Landschaft nachhaltige Führung
DescriptionThe topic of "Sustainable Leadership" visualized in an artificial landscape. The competencies (referred to in the map and subdivided as sequences and learning objectives) are in the foreground as mountains. The mountains in the background indicate that, in addition to the topic of "Sustainable Leadership", there are an infinite number of other topics and competencies. The floating stones represent the theory put into practice. Professional competencies—not in focus in this context—are depicted as valleys.
- Language German
- Year of publication 2022
- Creator Matthias Beilstein
- Type of visual artwork Kartografie-inspirierte Illustration
- Media type Image/webp
- Copyright All rights reserved.
- Size 2540 × 1563 px
- Download Landschaft_nachhaltige_fuehrung.webp
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Periodic archiving by the Swiss National Library